Florida businesses are choosing polished concrete floors. Here’s why.

Polished concrete flooring is very strong, resilient, and it can withstand the pressure from high traffic and heavy equipment. Polished concrete is highly resistant to chipping, scratching, and cracking. If that isn’t convincing enough, it is also a green flooring option because it has thermal mass properties and can last a lifetime if properly maintained.

Here’s why Florida loves polished concrete flooring:

  • Polished concrete flooring is not vulnerable to moisture:

This comes first in Florida. Polished concrete is a great alternative to ceramic tile, and you do not have to deal with dirty grout.

  • Aesthetics:

Polished concrete can provide a unique floor finish, and the options for customization are limitless. Decorative polished concrete is the go-to solution for corporate lobbies made to impress.  From stained and acid-stained concrete to decorative saw cuts, we do it all.

Southland Concrete Creations has extensive experience designing and polishing custom concrete floors and completing complex projects on time and to the highest standard. See some of our work at Eckerd College and the Tampa Museum of Art below.

  • Excellent Durability:

Concrete is made from aggregate and cement; Rock and rock powder. It doesn’t get any tougher. Only rare natural stone or marble can compete. Polished concrete is the go-to floor finish for high-impact environments.

  • Ease of Maintenance:

Southland Concrete Creations always seals, densifies, dust-proof, and stain guards our polished concrete floors. There are no coatings or waxes to trick gloss meters or our client’s eyes.

We conduct thorough testing of every major densifier and stain guard and only use the best products for our customers. We also recommend pore filler on our installations, which fills tiny pits that trap dirt and dust, providing the smoothest and sleekest polished floors.

To top it off, Southland provides support and refurbishments for our clients and has been doing so since 1987.

  • Cost:

There is a reason why big retailers such as The Home Depot choose polished concrete. Polished concrete has the lowest long-term cost and lifecycle cost among the competing flooring types. Great durability, easy to maintain, and refurbish.

  • Other benefits include:
  • Sustainable.
  • Does not harbor mildew, dust mites, or other allergens.
  • Can radiate heat.

Concrete floors have the most longevity of the alternative options available. While the higher end design will cost a fraction more than marble, it lasts far longer and needs fewer repairs. We can customize it 100% to your specifications, and maintenance is a breeze. To top it all off, this long-lasting beauty is environmentally friendly and comes with some major benefits.

Decorative Polished Concrete flooring for Florida businesses

If you are looking into decorative polished concrete flooring for Florida businesses, you will be pleased to know that the options range from simple to extravagant. Polished concrete flooring is completely customizable. Let us take a look.

Polished Concrete Floor Colors:

When people think concrete flooring, some may picture a bland concrete slab with a high gloss, but that can’t be farther from the truth. With that being said, many shockingly prefer earth tones and neutral colors like grey. Still, the possibilities in polished concrete floor coloring are limitless. You can even mix colors creating an integral color. Dyes, tinted sealers, epoxy coatings, and stains are some of the options that can even be mixed and matched.

Polished Concrete: Stained Floors, Designs, and Textures:

Stained is among a favorite among decorative polished concrete flooring for Florida businesses. It offers warmth and an earthy feel. With polished concrete, you have an easy to maintain no-wax flooring option that will last for the long haul.

You have a variety of sheen options from which to choose. Colors and finishes are just the beginning, though. The design options available are amazing. From stamps to texture skins and so much more you are sure to be satisfied with your finished, polished concrete floor.

Why are you waiting? We have professional and friendly staff standing by to assist you or answer any questions that you may have. Please contact us,  give us a call at (941) 721-4900 or email: michael@southlandcreations.com for your free quote.